Man, about town

Man is at his best when there is a sense of adventure and when there is a task that needs to be conquered. If something is challenging and the task has never been completed before, all you have to do is tell a man that he simply cannot do it, and before you know it, […]

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To Tweed Or Not To Tweed

Is it possible to look so good that at a moment’s notice when a human dares to look at you, their first impression is to be flabbergasted by the awe of your apparel? At that moment, what if their judgment of your character is perceived to be that of success as your audience gazes upon […]

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Tweed Jackets UK

Tweed blazers have become a statement of fashion for men these days. Men’s fashion needs to be simple, classy, and something that would make a statement and tweed jackets fit the definition completely. The trend is mainly for autumn and winter seasons and men need to have tweed jackets in their wardrobe if they want […]

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Here’s What Your Tweed Suit Says About You

Job Interview. Two words that can prove to be a nightmare for anyone. It often comes as a surprise when we see that people with great skill sets and who seemed perfect for the job are rejected and someone who was less deserving has been preferred over them. The reason behind such an incident isn’t […]

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How Tweed Suits Came In To Existence

Suit madness can be traced back to the 17th century when the then ruling king of England, Charles II wanted his authorities being impressed on the public. So, he made his authorities wear something called tweed suits. The acceptance of tweed suits then swung like a pendulam until the Edwardian era. In early 1900, lounge […]

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How Not To Wear Tweed Suits

A suit is surely one of the best things that a man can put on. A suit is the only reasonable clothing, which when done correctly can give you a perfect blend of decency and attractiveness. But, a misjudgement can result in the tailspin. Here’s what you shouldn’t do with your suit.   1. Getting […]

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Celebrities That Prove That Tweed Suits Are Classy

Tweed suits have certainly seen their better days. The tweed suits have now been narrowed to the dress to wear at parties, funerals and interviews. But, here are celebrities that look simply irresistible in tweed suits. These celebrities can force you for some second thoughts.   Justin Timberlake : The 31 year old American singer, […]

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The Term Tweed

Thе tеrm Twееd еngеndеrѕ сеrtаіn thоughtѕ аnd еvеn mаkеѕ уоur fасе lооk hарріеr аѕ уоu ѕреаk іt. It’ѕ а mаtеrіаl thаt аlwауѕ mаkеѕ уоu drеаm оf dауѕ оut ѕhооtіng іn thе Hіghlаndѕ, rіdіng а hоrѕе, hасkіng аwау wіth а gоlf сlub (іn thе dауѕ bеfоrе bаd tаѕtе bесаmе dе rіguеur) оr bеіng wоrn bу а […]

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